Albert Einstein once said that knowledge is defined as a practical understanding of a subject, the same apply to operating and upkeeping a data centre. Center of Expertise for Energy Efficiency in Data Centres (CoE) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBLN) led...
New energy standard for Data Centres – ASHRAE 90.4-2016 In September 2016, ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) published Standard 90.4-2016, Energy Standard for Data Centers. It establishes the minimum energy...
We would like to thank all the enthusiastic participants who visited us at the Victoria OpenGov Leadership Foru. The Victorian Government is getting on with ensuring that government is making the best use of new technology to deliver modern services for the community....
Getting sufficient cold air to high density equipment racks can be a big challenge for data centre operators especially when these equipment racks are introduced retrospectively. Upgrading CRAC unit’s capacity to increase air flow alone may not necessary result...
Thank you Richard Wixon from SRA Solutions for recommending EziBlank® air flow management products. SRA Solutions is a valuable partner to EziBlank/IDC Solutions, offering EziBlank 6-RU panels and 1-RU brush panels as value added components with their fantastic suite...