How airflow works inside of a server

How airflow works inside of a server

How airflow works inside of a server When it comes to servers, there are a few things you may already know, such as what a server is, where it should be kept (in a server room) and how it works – basically, a server needs airflow in order to keep it running. But...
Hot Aisle vs Cold Aisle Containment

Hot Aisle vs Cold Aisle Containment

Hot Aisle vs Cold Aisle Containment Maybe you’ve heard the terms hot aisle or cold aisle containment floating around the IT world and not sure what they mean. Or perhaps you’re on your way to being an expert and just need a few more details about which is best for...
Know Your Data Centre Cooling

Know Your Data Centre Cooling

Whether it is cost saving or corporate initiative to go green, energy efficiency should be the top priority for data centre managers. It is common for most managers in charge to simply embrace the “if it is not broken, don’t fix it” mentality but...